Before you begin
Follow the emailed instructions to create an account (if this is your first CASA) and login.
What you will need to submit your CASA:
CASA Tier 2 Notification email
Industry certifications (If Any)
AST configuration file(s), this can be an export of the scanning policy, screenshots of the CWEs scanned, or any evidence showing what you scanned against.
AST scan result(s) in plain text (.txt) format.
If you used custom tools:
OWASP benchmark results (more info)

CASA Portal Getting Started
For first-time portal users, a Tier 2 CASA will be automatically generated. New assessments can be created anytime from the portal home page.
Opening a case leads to a Getting Started page requesting the following:
Project Contact Name (first and last)
Project Contact Email
Project Contact Phone
Legal Entity Name
Assessment Type ("New" or "Reassessment")
Application Scope
Google Project ID
This information is used to identify which CASA requirements are in scope for your application and collect the necessary app metadata to issue a Letter of Verification.
NOTE: a CASA must be submitted for verification review within 30 days of initiation. Requests for deadline extension are evaluated on a case by case basis.

CASA Portal Tier 2 Uploads
Upload all evidence collected in Step 1 and Step 2. This includes:
Existing CASA-accepted security frameworks
AST configuration file(s)
AST scan result(s) in xlsx, csv, xml, or pdf format
OWASP benchmark results (*only for custom or alternative AST scans)
NOTE: Security frameworks are optional to accelerate your CASA and not required for verification. Revisit Step 1 for more detail.
Need help? Use the integrated "Messages" feature within the portal to communicate directly with a CASA specialist. Email notifications for responses are sent to the email address used to log into the portal.
REMINDER: Code scanning is required for Tier 2 verification. No application code, scan results, or vulnerability findings are shared or disclosed to Google as part of verification.

CASA Portal Self-attestation Survey
The portal will validate the inputs provided and provide set of remaining requirements for self-attestation, organized by CASA chapters. For users accelerating CASA with a large number of security frameworks, self-attestation may not be required. In these cases, the self-attestation survey portion of the portal will not appear.
In most cases, there will be small number of requirements that require self-attestation. For these requirements, the responding 3P developer will need to self-attest to a series of "Yes, No, N/A" questions tied to CASA requirements.
A comment field is available for the developer to justify each response with how the application satisfies or does not satisfy a given requirement. CASA acceptance criteria provide a non-exhaustive set of examples as reference.
NOTE: Do not modify questions automatically populated as being "Fulfilled by prerequisite". These choices are automatically selected by the CASA portal based on responses in the Tier 2 Uploads section.
To qualify for Tier 2 verification, you must:
Remediate any failed CWEs that are mapped to CASA requirements
Self attest for non scannable CASA requirements
Once all assessment prerequisites have been completed sufficiently, the CASA Portal will prompt a developer to submit for verification.