Static Scanning Procedures


Scanning Tool Web Mobile Local API Extension Serverless Instructions
FluidAttacks Free & Open Source CLI

Leverage FluidAttacks open source CLI to perform automated static (SAST) scans against your application. A Docker image has been created to include all necessary CWEs. Simply spin up the container and run the scan command within it.

For definition of each type Click here App Types

A scan the source code of your Web, Mobile, or Internal Applications, Browser Extensions, or Serverless Functions can be performed following the below steps:

  1. Create a folder to contain the scan artifacts. 

  2. Name the folder and upload the CASA scan Dockerfile

  3. Clone the application repository within this folder and add the config.yaml file within the root folder. This file can be found here: config.yaml

  4. The final setup should appear as such:

    CASA Scan Folder Directory

    The following application types have additional packaging considerations. Please follow the necessary format for a successful scan. 

    Android Studio Projects: AndroidManifest.xml must be located at ‘app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml’ and the directory ‘app/src/main/java/’ must exist.

  1. The configuration file (config.yaml) specifies where your scan results will be stored. The default values are shown here.

    If you are scanning a native Android application, specify the location of any APKs by updating the following within the configuration file: 


    # Description: dynamic scan of Android APKs.


    • app-arm-debug-Android.apk

    • app-arm-Android.apk

    Update the “include” parameters with the file paths to your target APKs relative to the location of your config.yaml file. 

      file_path: ./Fluid-Attacks-Results.csv
      format: CSV   

Keep the format as CSV, but feel free to change the name of the output within the config.yaml file.  

  1. Build the docker image by running the below command: 

      docker build -t casascan /path/to/Dockerfile
  1. Start the container and initiate a Fluid SAST scan by running the below command (note this step will take a while to complete):

      docker run casascan m gitlab:fluidattacks/universe@trunk /skims scan {App Repo Name}/config.yaml
  1. Once Step 5 is completed, the results will be stored in a CSV file within your application repository folder.

  2. After the scan is complete, obtain the ID of your container by running docker ps and copying the port value

  3. Copy the scan results to your host by running below command:

      docker cp {Container ID}:/usr/scan/{App Repo Name}/Fluid-Attacks-Results.csv SAST-Results.csv